ProWine Hong Kong 葡萄酒論壇
ProWine Hong Kong葡萄酒論壇邀請到葡萄酒大師和業内專家,將於一系列座談會及大師班上分享最新趨勢、獨到經驗及品酒心得,促進葡萄酒專業人士在相關的業務取得成功。
All seats will be arranged on a first-come-first-served basis, priority will be given to visitors who have registered on the Event Registration page. 座位有限, 先到先得, 於活動登記頁面預先報名之買家可優先入座。
STEP 步驟 1
Pre-register / Login as ProWine Hong Kong Visitor 登記參觀 / 登入 國際葡萄酒與烈酒貿易展覽會 賬戶
STEP 步驟 2
Choose Event Registration after registering as visitor 成功登記參觀後,點選活動登記
STEP 步驟 3
Select the session(s) you would like to attend 選擇場次(可選多個場次)
*In case of successful registration, a confirmation email will be sent to the registrant before 9 May.
12:00 – 13:00 Asia Wine Service & Education Centre |
Taste Like an Expert: Diploma Format Blind Tasting Theme Description 主題簡介AWSEC’s Blind Tasting Masterclasses are designed for anyone who wants to deep dive into the world of wine by polishing their sensory skills and wine tasting proficiency. Featuring a flight of wine of the same grape variety, our educator will employ WSET® Diploma-level analytical tasting skills to guide you on how to blind taste, explain and evaluate wines at an expert level. AWSEC 的盲品大師班專為任何想要通過提高感官技能和品酒能力來深入了解葡萄酒世界的人而設計。一組相同葡萄品種但風格各異的葡萄酒,我們的導師將採用 WSET® 文憑級別的分析技巧來指導您如何專家般的盲品、解釋和評估各類葡萄酒。 |
About the Speaker 關於講者Jennie Mack is the Co-Founder, Managing Director and Principal Educator of Asia Wine Service and Education Centre (AWSEC®). Her career revolved around training and education, from music to corporate training to etiquette training as she enjoys interacting with people and sharing experience. Jennie Mack 是亞洲侍酒及教育中心 (AWSEC®) 的聯合創始人、董事總經理和首席教育家。她的職業生涯圍繞著培訓和教育,從音樂、企業培訓到禮儀培訓,因為她熱愛喜歡與人互動和分享經驗。 |
English 英語 |
14:00 – 15:00 Wine Luxe Magazine |
The Future and Development of Wine in Asia Theme Description 主題簡介Following the development of the Asia wine consuming market, especially the sustainable growth of the Chinese wine market shares of imported wines, domestic Chinese wines have attracted growing attention. Shandong deserves its place at the top of the list of Chinese wine regions because of its long history of winemaking, and the figures of wine sales by both volume and value are the highest. In this case, we will take Mystic Island Winery From Which was located in in Qiushan Valley, Penglai, Yantai in China as an example to explore the potential of local wineries. We will also examine how the winery balances promoting high-quality grape wine production with revitalizing rural development and conserving the environment. Furthermore, we will have the opportunity to taste the grape wines of Qiu Mountain Valley together with Nelson Chow and experience the charm of the local wineries! 隨著亞洲葡萄酒,尤其是中國葡萄酒消費市場的份額持續增長,中國本土出產的葡萄酒也越來越受到關注。如果把山東排在葡萄酒產區之首——因其歷史悠久以及銷售量以及銷售額度最大,也是當之無愧的。 本次我們將以中國煙台丘山山谷葡萄酒產區 – 仙島酒莊為例,去發掘當地酒莊的潛力。以及酒莊在當地除了種植優質葡萄酒之外如何平衡振興農村發展,及保育生態。並與 Nelson Chow 一起品嚐丘山山谷的葡萄酒,體驗當地酒莊的魅力! |
About the Speaker 關於講者Mr Nelson Chow, the first titled Professional Sommelier in Hong Kong and Greater China. Mr Chow is currently the President of the Hong Kong Sommelier Association (Greater China) and for the past 24 years. Mr Chow’s expertise has won him a number of highly respected titles in the professional realm, such as Commander du Bon Temps de Medoc et des Graves, Chevalier du Sopexa en Gastronomie Francaise and accredited lecturer for L'Ecole du Vin de Bordeaux.. He was given accreditation as Jurade du St Emilion and Officer du Ordre des coteaux de Champagne. Recently he was named as Le Grand Conseil de Bordeaux. In recent years, Mr Chow has hosted a number of advanced wine workshops to actively spread the know-how in pursuing the perfect match between Western wine and Chinese cuisine. 現任香港專業品酒師協會主席的周國明先生,從事款客行業逾30年,擁有豐富的葡萄酒智識及品酒經驗,先後於多間五星級酒店或食府擔任行政職務。 周先生是法國梅鐸與格拉夫葡萄酒協會會員,在業內的地位高崇,更榮獲頒發法國國家美食協會「武士榮譽」Chevalier du Sopexa en Gastronomie Francaise 榮譽及波爾多葡萄酒學院認可講師,進一步引證周先生的品酒造詣。早前更為法國聖美倫區葡萄酒協會成員及香檳區師令員協會之成員。周先生也是亞太區內資深葡萄酒大賽評審員及指導。新近更獲推薦為波爾多葡萄酒大師. |
Cantonese & English 粵語及英語 |
15:30 – 16:30 MWM Wine School |
Spirits Fundamentals – Gin, Rum and Whisky Tasting Theme Description 主題簡介Seeking a fundamental understanding of spirits and tasting technique? Join certified spirits educator Eddie Nara for a guided tasting of major types of spirits, including Gin, Rum and whisky. You can also get a glimpse of award-winning spirits from 2022 Cathay Hong Kong International Wine & Spirit Competition. 想學習烈酒和品酒技巧的基本知識嗎?就來和我們一起,在國際烈酒專業導師 Eddie Nara林明志的指導下品嚐氈酒、冧酒和威士忌這三種烈酒,更可以一睹2022年香港國際美酒品評大賽的獲獎佳釀。 |
About the Speaker 關於講者Eddie is a renowned spirits industry leader and Whisky & Gin Ambassador lead tutor in Hong Kong & Macau. He is Asia’s 1st Certified Spirits Educator accredited by the Society of Wine Educators, a WSET Certified Educator, an International Spirits judge for IWSC and HKIWSC and an esteemed cocktail judge. Although known for his passion for all spirits, Eddie has a deep knowledge and understanding of both Scotch and world whiskies. Eddie’s commitment to education is invaluable to the industry and he is a mentor and inspiration to many aspiring bar professionals across Asia. Eddie 在行業中享負盛名,在香港及澳門擔任威士忌大使和顫酒大使的首席導師。同時,Eddie也身兼亞洲首個葡萄酒教育家協會的認可烈酒導師、WSET 認證導師、國際美酒品評大賽 (IWSC) 和香港國際美酒品評大賽 (HKIWSC) 的國際烈酒評委,以及著名的雞尾酒評委。儘管 Eddie熱愛各類的烈酒,對情有獨鍾的蘇格蘭和世界各地威士忌卻有最全面和深入的了解。他對教育整行業的貢獻實屬無價,也啟發了亞洲不少有意投身專業調酒的人士。 |
English 英語 |
17:00 – 18:00 Hong Kong Bar & Club Association 香港酒吧業協會 |
Future Trends in the Bar Industry *Non-wine tasting session 非品鑑環節 Theme Description 主題簡介The bar industry is an important pillar of Hong Kong’s nightlife. There are 8,600 liquor licenses in Hong Kong. The speaker shared why the number of bars increased after the epidemic and the future development trend of bars. 酒吧業是香港夜生活重要之柱,全港領有酒牌數目有8600間,講者分享疫情後酒吧數目為何增加,酒吧未來發展趨勢等等。 |
About the Speaker 關於講者Born in Hong Kong, Chin Chun Wing has been in the bar industry for 20 years. In 2021, he becomes the chairman of the Hong Kong Bar & Club Association, which has 300 bar members. In addition, Chin Chun Wing is also one of the non-executive directors of the Bar Pacific Group, which has 47 branches in Hong Kong. 出生於香港的錢雋永從事酒吧行業已經有20年,2021成為香港酒吧業協會主席,該協會擁有300名酒吧會員,此外錢雋永亦是全港擁有47間分店的太平洋酒吧集團非執行董事之一。 |
Cantonese 粵語 |
12:00 – 13:00 MWM Wine School |
The Sparkling Future – Prosecco DOC Theme Description 主題簡介As the global wine industry continues to evolve, there are two trends that are gaining increasing attention: the rise of Prosecco DOC Rosé and the growing demand for organic wines. Prosecco DOC Rosé, a new sparkling wine category that was only recently approved by Italian authorities, has been generating excitement among wine enthusiasts and industry professionals alike. At the same time, consumers are increasingly seeking out wines that are made using organic farming practices, reflecting a broader trend towards sustainability and environmental responsibility. Let’s join Debra Meiburg MW, the Founding Director of MWM Wine School, to delve into the sparkling future of the wine industry, focusing on the emergence of Prosecco DOC Rosé and the increasing popularity of organic wines. 隨著全球葡萄酒行業不斷發展,有兩個趨勢隨之崛起:Prosecco DOC Rosé 和有機葡萄酒的興起。 Prosecco DOC Rosé 是一種最近獲得意大利當局認可的粉紅氣泡酒類別,並隨即引起葡萄酒愛好者和行業專業人士的哄動。與此同時,消費者亦積極地尋找使用有機耕作方法釀造的葡萄酒,反映了可持續性和環境責任在市場中越來越備受關注。 讓我們與 MWM Wine School的創辦人 Debra Meiburg MW 一起深入探討葡萄酒行業的閃亮未來,重點討論 Prosecco DOC Rosé和有機葡萄酒的興起。 |
About the Speaker 關於講者A Hong Kong resident for nearly 30 years, Master of Wine Debra Meiburg is an award-winning author, journalist, TV personality, international speaker, and is widely considered the global authority on the Asian wine market. She is founding director of MWM Wine School, by Debra Meiburg MW; Meiburg Wine Media, Asia’s leading wine marketing and events agency; and the Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Competition, the first truly pan-Asian wine competition. 居住在香港近 30 年的葡萄酒大師 Debra Meiburg 是一位屢獲殊榮的作家、記者、電視名人、國際演說家,更是亞洲葡萄酒市場的權威。她是 MWM Wine School, by Debra Meiburg MW、亞洲領先酒品營銷及活動機構 Meiburg Wine Media,以及泛亞首個美酒品鑑比賽—香港國際美酒品評大賽的創辦人。 |
English 英語 |
14:00 – 15:00 Somm's Philiosophy X The Time Sommelier |
Hong Kong Washu Awards – Japanese Wine: More Than Just Koshu and Muscat Bailey A Theme Description 主題簡介In recent years, Japanese Wine has gained awareness from all around the globe, especially Koshu and Muscat Bailey A. But there is more about Japanese Wine, it is not only about these two varietals. In this masterclass, Mr. Reeze Choi – 2nd Runner-up of the Best Sommelier of the World Competition 2023 – will introduce the trend of Japanese Wines and guide us through a tasting of wines from the North (Hokkaido) to the West (Hiroshima). 近年來日本葡萄酒在國際餐飲舞台上開始備受矚目,尤其是甲州和貝利A麝香,但日本葡萄酒又何止兩款葡萄品種。在此大師班,Reeze Choi – 世界最佳侍酒師大賽2023的第三名 – 將會為大家介紹日本葡萄酒的最新資訊和帶領大家一起品嚐幾款由北(北海道)至西(廣島)的幾款日本葡萄酒。 |
About the Speaker 關於講者Meticulous about his service and knowledgeable on food and beverage, Reeze is one of the most sought-after sommeliers in the world. He has worked at prestigious restaurants such as L’atelier de Joël Robuchon Hong Kong and Upper Modern Bistro. His acquaintance with various cuisines and beverages—from French menu, cheese and coffee, to Cantonese dishes, sake and tea—has invested him with the ingenuity in curating original drinking and gastronomic experience for his guests. Reeze joined the Star Wine List as their Hong Kong Ambassador in 2019, and thereafter, has introduced the world some of the best wine places and stories in Hong Kong. Having been the ambassador of Château de Meursault and Château de Marsannay, he has shared ample insights in Burgundy wine with the field. Reeze has also been appointed as an ambassador of Japanese wine by JFoodo. In 2023, Reeze won the 3rd place of the Best Sommelier of the World Competition, making history by being the first Chinese finalist of the renowned competition. His other achievements include the 1st runner-up of A.S.I. Asia-Oceania Best Sommelier Competition 2018, the Championship of The Best Sommelier Greater China (2016 – 2022), the Advanced Sommelier Certificate of The Count of Master Sommeliers (CMS), WSET Level Three Award in Wines, the Certified Specialist of Wine Certification, and the WSET educator certificate. Reeze is currently a candidate of CMS Master Sommelier. Reeze是世界上最受歡迎的侍酒師之一。他曾在 L’atelier de Joël Robuchon Hong Kong 和 Upper Modern Bistro 等知名餐廳工作。他對各種美食和飲品——從法式菜單、奶酪和咖啡,到粵菜、清酒和茶——的熟悉使他在為客人策劃原創飲品和美食體驗方面發揮了獨創性。 Reeze 於 2019 年加入 Star Wine List 作為其香港大使,此後向世界介紹了香港一些最好的葡萄酒產地和故事。作為默爾索城堡和瑪莎奈城堡的大使,他與該領域分享了對勃艮第葡萄酒的豐富見解。 Reeze 還被 JFoodo 任命為日本葡萄酒大使。 2023年,Reeze榮獲世界最佳侍酒師大賽第三名,成為首位入圍該知名賽事的中國人,創造了歷史。他的其他成就包括 A.S.I. 的第一名亞軍。 2018年亞洲-大洋洲最佳侍酒師大賽、大中華區最佳侍酒師冠軍(2016-2022)、英國侍酒大師(CMS)高級侍酒師證書、WSET第三級葡萄酒認證、葡萄酒認證專家認證、和 WSET 教育工作者證書。 Reeze目前是CMS Master Sommelier的候選人。 |
Cantonese 粵語 |
15:30 – 16:30 Asia Wine Service & Education Centre 亞洲侍酒及教育中心 |
A Journey through the Terroir and Traditions of Spanish Sherries Theme Description 主題簡介Step into a world of ancient traditions and stunning landscapes with our Sherry wine tasting, where we'll take you on a journey through the fascinating history and unique terroir of this cherished Spanish wine of distinct characters. Taste from the freshest and most delicate to the enticingly complex, nutty styles of Sherry, you'll gain a deep appreciation and whole new understanding for the artistry and passion that goes into every sip of this beloved beverage. 通過我們的雪利酒品鑒會,你將走進一個古老傳統和迷人風景的世界,體驗西班牙雪利酒的非凡個性、迷人歷史和獨特風土。 品嘗從最新鮮、細緻到最複雜、迷人的堅果風格的雪利酒,你會對釀造每一口雪利酒背後的藝術與熱誠有全新的體會和讚美。 |
About the Speaker 關於講者Jennie Mack is the Co-Founder, Managing Director and Principal Educator of Asia Wine Service and Education Centre (AWSEC®). Her career revolved around training and education, from music to corporate training to etiquette training as she enjoys interacting with people and sharing experience. Jennie Mack 是亞洲侍酒及教育中心 (AWSEC®) 的聯合創始人、董事總經理和首席教育家。她的職業生涯圍繞著培訓和教育,從音樂、企業培訓到禮儀培訓,因為她熱愛喜歡與人互動和分享經驗。 |
English 英語 |
12:00 – 13:00 MWM Wine School |
Appreciating Award Winning Wines with Master of Wine Theme Description 主題簡介Debra Meiburg, Master of Wine, is bringing in the heavy artillery to whip your palate and total sensory tools into shape, so you 'll be tasting like a master in no time. Principal varieties selected from award winning wines of 2022 Cathay Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Competition will be used for tasting technique demonstration. 葡萄酒大師Debra Meiburg將運用一系列知識、技巧和美酒,重新塑造你的味蕾和感官,讓你掌握如何能夠像大師一樣般品嚐佳釀。大師班上將使用香港國際美酒品評大賽 2022 中部分的獲獎佳釀以作品鑑技術示範。 |
About the Speaker 關於講者A Hong Kong resident for nearly 30 years, Master of Wine Debra Meiburg is an award-winning author, journalist, TV personality, international speaker, and is widely considered the global authority on the Asian wine market. She is founding director of MWM Wine School, by Debra Meiburg MW; Meiburg Wine Media, Asia’s leading wine marketing and events agency; and the Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Competition, the first truly pan-Asian wine competition. 居住在香港近 30 年的葡萄酒大師 Debra Meiburg 是一位屢獲殊榮的作家、記者、電視名人、國際演說家,更是亞洲葡萄酒市場的權威。她是 MWM Wine School, by Debra Meiburg MW、亞洲領先酒品營銷及活動機構 Meiburg Wine Media,以及泛亞首個美酒品鑑比賽—香港國際美酒品評大賽的創辦人。 |
English 英語 |
14:00 – 15:00 Cru Magazine |
Haute Couture Champagne: Champagne Lallier Theme Description 主題簡介Born in Aÿ, France in 1906, Champagne Lallier is rooted in the heart of the Grand Cru Champagne region and designs some of the most exquisite terroir-driven cuvées de Champagne. 1906年誕生於香檳區阿伊(Aÿ),Champagne Lallier酒莊植根於特級葡萄園區,並釀造出多款極具風土特色的香檳。 |
About the Speaker 關於講者Eddie Chui is the Editorial Director of Cru Magazine and Whisky Magazine. After years as a wine lover, Eddie became a true connoisseur, wine writer and critic. He has traveled to different wine regions of the world, including France, California, Australia, Argentina, Chile, South Africa, China, Spain, Germany, Italy, and Romania visiting different wineries and different regions. He is also a Certified Specialist of Wine (CSW) and Certified Specialist of Spirits (CSS) accredited by the Society of Wine Educators. Eddie Chui 是Cru Magazine 及威士忌雜志(國際中文版)編輯總監。亦是國際葡萄酒教育家協會認證的葡萄酒專家(CSW)和烈酒專家(CSS)以及威士忌大使Whisky Ambassador。作為多年的葡萄酒愛好者,他足跡遍佈全球各地,包括法國、美國加州、澳洲、阿根廷、智利、南非、中國、西班牙、德國、意大利及羅馬尼亞,訪問不同葡萄酒廠和蘇格蘭威士忌蒸餾廠。曾在各個地區及國際葡萄酒及烈酒比賽中擔任評審及品鑒各種酒類。 |
Cantonese 粵語 |
15:30 – 16:30 Wine & Spirits |
The Spirit of China – Fenjiu Theme Description 主題簡介Fenjiu is one of the four significant liquors in China. It owns two major brands, Fenjiu and Zhuyeqing, and is represented by Qingxiang as its fragrance type. This time, we will taste the two categories of Fenjiu and Zhuyeqing together with you and feel the spirit of Fenjiu. 汾酒是中國四大白酒之一,旗下擁有汾酒及竹葉青兩大品牌,並以清香為其香型代表。這次與大家一起品嘗汾酒及竹葉清兩大類別,感受汾酒的酒魂之處。 |
About the Speaker 關於講者Chief Editor of《Wine & Spirits 酒誌》and 《Gourmet & Lifestyle 美饌生活》magazines 《Wine & Spirits 酒誌》and 《Gourmet & Lifestyle 美饌生活》雜誌總編輯
About the Speaker 關於講者Mr Andy Liu came from Fenjiu's home province – Shanxi. Andy is the Associate Director of the China Resources Enterprise and is in charge of the cooperation with Fenjiu. He is a skilled trainer in the Chinese Baijiu training program and can tell us the history and story of the Chinese Baijiu originator- Fenjiu 劉新元先生來自汾酒的家鄉—山西。劉新元是華潤創業的企業發展副總監,負責華創與汾酒的合作。他是中國白酒培訓項目的資深培訓師,他為我們講述中國白酒的鼻祖—汾酒的歷史和故事 |
Mandarin & Cantonese 普通話及粵語 |
10:30 – 11:30 FortunePin-U |
Diversified Pinot Noir from Cool Victoria Theme Description 主題簡介The expression of terroir in different micro-climates in the suber-region of Victoria 維州子產區不同微氣候的風土表達 |
About the Speaker 關於講者The General Manager of Shanghai Fuzun Trading Co.,Ltd 上海馥尊貿易有限公司總經理 |
Mandarin 普通話 |
13:00 – 14:30 Chateau SunGod GREATWALL | By COFCO |
Chateau Sungod GREATWALL Wine Tasting MasterClass |
About the Speaker 關於講者Corinne Mui is an award-winning wine & sake educator and writer. She is a regular contributor for publications across Asia. She has appeared as guest wine and sake expert on television and radio programmes in Hong Kong and China. Her expertise in wine has also been sought for a popular Hong Kong television drama. Corinne has also been appointed as a judge in many wine and sake competitions in Europe, Australia, China and Hong Kong including Decanter World Wine Awards. 梅康妮是一位屢獲殊榮的葡萄酒及清酒導師兼作家。她是亞洲各地刊物的定期撰稿人。她經常以葡萄酒專家、清酒專家的身份在中國大陸及香港的電視和廣播節目中作為嘉賓出現。她在葡萄酒方面的專業度,更讓她獲邀擔任成為一部熱門電視劇的顧問。與此同時, 被歐洲各國、澳洲、 中國大陸及香港等地區邀請擔任為多個國際性葡萄酒及清酒大賽的評審,包括DWWA。 |
Cantonese 粵語 |
15:30 – 17:00 Hong Kong Wine and Spirits Association |
Ningxia Wine Tasting Theme Description 主題簡介Ningxia is home to a wide variety of grape varieties, including both international and domestic varieties. Some of the most common international varieties include Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, Pinot Noir, Marselan, and Chardonnay, which are renowned for producing high-quality wines around the world. Thanks to the favorable climate and soil conditions in the region, these varieties have been successfully cultivated in Ningxia. In addition to these international varieties, Ningxia also has some unique domestic grape varieties, such as Italian Reisling, Ningxia Rose Honey, and Cabernet Gernischt. These local varieties have been carefully selected and cultivated to adapt to the specific climate and soil characteristics of the region, resulting in the production of unique and complex wines with a distinctive flavor. During French President Macron's recent visit to China, the wine served during his reception was a blend of Chinese and French grape varieties, symbolizing the friendly cooperation and development between the two countries. The wine was a new creation from the Xige Estate Winery, which blended Cabernet Sauvignon and Snake Dragon Pearl. Participants of the master class will have the opportunity to taste this unreleased wine, and stand at the same level as the leaders of both countries. In addition, there are also Ningxia Merlot and Pinot Noir, both of which come from top wineries in Ningxia and have won numerous awards. 寧夏種植的葡萄品種非常多,既包括國際品種,也有國內品種。一些最常見的國際品種包括赤霞珠、梅洛、西拉、黑皮諾、馬瑟蘭和霞多麗等。這些品種以生產高品質的葡萄酒而聞名於世,由於該地區有利的氣候和土壤條件,這些品種已在寧夏成功種植。 除了國際品種外,寧夏還有一些獨特的國內葡萄品種,例如貴人香、寧夏玫瑰蜜和蛇龍珠等。這些當地品種經過精心挑選和培育,以適應該地區的特定氣候和土壤特徵,並釀造出寧夏風味獨特而複雜的葡萄酒。 早前,法國總統馬克龍訪華期間,中法兩國領導人品嘗了中法品種混釀的新品葡萄酒,體現兩國友好關係共同發展。該葡萄酒是寧夏西鴿酒莊以赤霞珠與蛇龍珠混釀的新傑作。大師班上,參與者將有機會品嘗到這款美酒,站在兩國領導人的高度共同品鑒。 此外,還有寧夏馬瑟蘭、黑皮諾,均來自寧夏頂級酒莊,屢獲獎項。 |
About the Speaker 關於講者Mr Chow is currently the President of the Hong Kong Sommelier Association (Greater China) and for the past 27 years. His encyclopaedic knowledge of wine has been acquired during the course of more than three decades as a sommelier in the hospitality industry, including senior positions at various five-star hotels and eminent restaurants. Over the years he was been Vice President of a 5-star hotel group, Principle instructor of three education centre, EAM of a 5-star hotel, Club Manager of the prestigious China Club, Food & Beverage Manager of the Jockey Club, and Restaurant Manager of Petrus, the Hong Kong restaurant with a great wine pedigree and Captain of the Mandarin Grill. Mr Chow’s expertise has won him a number of highly respected titles in the professional realm, such as Commander du Bon Temps de Medoc et des Graves, Chevalier du Sopexa en Gastronomie Francaise and accredited lecturer for L'Ecole du Vin de Bordeaux.. He was given accreditation as Jurade du St Emilion and Officer du Ordre des coteaux de Champagne. Recently he was named as Le Grand Conseil de Bordeaux. Beside French acknowledgement, Mr Chow also gained as Certified Profession Spanish Wine Trainer in Madrid in November 2008. He also carries the Spanish Wine Challenge Hong Kong since 2008 and French Wine Challenge as the Chairperson to introduce Spanish and French wines to audients in both Hong Kong and China with the great result in Spanish wine and Chinese food pairing. He has been a long-term judge with the International Wine Challenge in the region. In recent years, Mr Chow has hosted a number of advanced wine workshops to actively spread the know-how in pursuing the perfect match between Western wine and Chinese cuisine. 現任香港專業品酒師協會主席的周國明先生,從事款客行業逾40年,擁有豐富的葡萄酒智識及品酒經驗,先後於多間五星級酒店或食府擔任行政職務。如5星級酒店之副總裁,培訓中心之總導師,中國會總經理等。 周先生是法國梅鐸與格拉夫葡萄酒協會會員,在業內的地位高崇,更榮獲頒發法國國家美食協會「武士榮譽」Chevalier du Sopexa en Gastronomie Francaise 榮譽及波爾多葡萄酒學院認可講師,進一步引證周先生的品酒造詣。早前更為法國聖美倫區葡萄酒協會成員及香檳區師令員協會之成員。周先生也是亞太區內資深葡萄酒大賽評審員及指導。新近更獲推薦為波爾多葡萄酒大師。 除了法國不同之稱譽外,周先生同時獲得西班牙葡萄酒學院認知的西班牙葡萄酒講師資格;並由2008年開始,於中國香港舉辦西班牙葡萄酒挑戰賽,以廣大地推動西班牙葡萄酒飲用於香港及中國內地,及與中式不同菜系配撘。 周先生近年專注於發展中國及香港的侍酒師團隊,希望中國能夠發展成為一個真正的葡萄酒強國。
Cantonese & Mandarin 粵語及普通話 |
15:30 – 17:00 Cru Magazine |
Understand the Charms of Grower Champagne Theme Description 主題簡介Grower champagne generally refers to champagne grown, made and sold by grower themselves. Without the shackles of big champagne brands, growers have absolute autonomy over the style of their own champagne, which can better highlight the terroir. 小農香檳泛指由酒農自家種植、釀製、銷售的香檳。由於沒有大廠香檳品牌枷鎖,酒農對於自家香檳的風格擁有絕對的自主權,更能凸顯產地風土。 |
About the Speaker 關於講者Rebecca Leung is a prominent wine personality based in Hong Kong. She is a holder of the WSET Diploma. She writes her own wine blog “Wine is Beautiful" and has regular columns in many publications. Rebecca has won an international article award (2009 FIJEV Award for the Best Article on Rosé Wines, Czech, 1st Runner-up), and she was named the “2014 Cathay Pacific HK International Wine & Spirit Competition Young Communicator of the Year". 梁淑意 Rebecca是全職專業葡萄酒導師、評審、顧問、酒類及咖啡飲品寫作人、電台節目主持人。 |
Cantonese 粵語 |
*The programme is subject to change and will be updated continuously up to the event.